October 25, 2009

From Y to Y

Rikai sings From Y to Y

October 15, 2009


I am redoing Rikai's voice for the last time. I am making decent english and figuring out about the high and lows. So she will have them too.

My older sister has also wanted to make an utau... whether she turns out to be like my little sister and just design it and never wants to voice it or not.. I don't know...

I have re drawn Rikai's official art now though.

Rikai Official Art by *thelonelyqueen on deviantART


Sasayaki Nunnoru's UTAU Creator
has made Rikai as a chibi She looks super confident XD

go tell her how cool it is D< http://nunnorompuru.blogspot.com/2009/10/hiatus.html

well anyways.. I can officially conclude I am kind of down. But I will get over it.. I always do... TTnTT

October 7, 2009

UTAU Goals

My next goals UTAU wise is to finish up the double lariat duet, make better OTO Files and "Box art" with better Official art for Rikai, and finish up 2 gifts. (for Tony and Camila if you wanted to know).

I.. I can't finish the oto files for Hoshi becuase, as said on my deviantArt account. My computer and my parents computer double teamed me and made half of my stuff unreadable, shortcuts to nothing, or deleted it completely. Hoshi was saved in a file that doesn't want to zip for me. I might be able to get it from my parents computer though.. Lets hope so!


LATE.. again. I need to get better at this blogging thing... Anyways~ Rikai sings Saihate. Thankies Koorima1 for the UST! http://theskyloids.mfbiz.com/#/welcome/4534730679