December 9, 2009

Exactly what I am doing~

Ok.. First things first. I am trying to make a very complete updated voicebank for Rikai. I think I will look at TDRloid's Yoshi on what he did for his english voice bank XD;

I am also working on how Rikai's genderbent (who might be named Reiki and be her cousin; not the cousins that come from my family but the genderbent cousin side~ ) (g+10)

I am also working on Rikai's little kid looks too. (g-30)

And I am going to try to work on Mijime's (g-10 with two pitch changes; up two, down two, and normal in audacity) Official art works.

Voicebanks that are works in progress~
Yawarakai Rippa (he is a doctor and is around 20)
Beep (she is a little; like 1.5 feet tall; rechargable robot girl Rikai found in the trash)
Yugami Rippa (completely inspired by Donka Fjord;; you will see why when I complete her/ I need his creators permission to conintue with her however...)
Okashii Shoujikisa (changed his age and height and weight XD; I need to edit each sound file and fix his oto file and he would be done~ )

I don't have names for the other Ideas I have XD; so.. yeah~ (the ideas on mainly how I want to voice some... I have at least three other concrete ideas)

Gifts and such
I am doing that one thing for Yesi-chan with Bad Apple (not going to ruin the surprise to much)
A "moving" (we will see how much I can go thru with that...) video for Sky's Tony for Yakkorase
A "Hopefully" orignal song for Siena Kotone.. but I first need to learn how to work LMMS for decent back ground music (I don't know if the vid would be movie or a PV or just a still picture yet.. I need to figure out what the song is about first ^^; )
Lipsync models~

Songs in general~
Santa Santa- an origianl by Rikai... it fails DX Don't watch it when it pops up. I want to be able to enter the oversea UTAU fest thing.. but I will get last XD I want to do a PV but I might no be able to~
I have a few songs of Rikai and her many voice g variations... just I take forever with pictures... And it doesn't help that I am doing other things on dA too XD;

I always want to make an UTAUloid meme (look up meme on dA.. it should give you an idea of what it is)

AND I never did do that UTAU game thing hmm? I fail at singing... so I might never do it.. XD;

So yeah.. Homeowrk is my main killer at the moment

Sorry for all the bad spelling and grammer mistakes...